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KONION SK-Series (High Purity Polyoxyethylene Glycol)

Chemical Name

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Product Name Functional Group Appear. (at 20℃) Average M W (g mol) MSDS TDS
KONION SK-9T 2 Liquid 400 MSDS TDS
KONION SK-14T 2 Liquid 600 MSDS TDS
KONION SK-23T 2 Solid 1000 MSDS TDS
KONION SK-33T 2 Solid 1540 MSDS TDS
KONION SK-45T 2 Solid 2000 MSDS TDS

KONION RT-Series (High Purity Polyoxy(ethylene-propylene) Copolymer)

Chemical Name

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Product Name Functional Group Appear. (at 20℃) Average M W (g mol) MSDS TDS
KONION RT-5013 2 Liquid 3000 MSDS TDS
KONION RT-6316 2 Liquid 3500 MSDS TDS

KONION TR, FC-Series (High Purity Glycerol Ethoxylated propoxylated)

Chemical Name

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Product Name Functional Group Appear. (at 20℃) Average M W (g mol) MSDS TDS
KONION TR-503 3 Liquid 2500 MSDS TDS
KONION TR-705 3 Liquid 5300 MSDS TDS
KONION FC-340R 3 Liquid 3400 MSDS TDS
KONION FC-350R 3 Liquid 3400 MSDS TDS

KONION BA-Series (Ethoxylated Bisphenol-A)

Chemical Name

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Product Name Functional Group Appear. (at 20℃) EO Unit Hydroxyl Value (mgKOH g) MSDS TDS
KONION BA-320T 2 Powder 2 mole 325 ~ 360 MSDS TDS
KONION BA-400 2 Liquid 4 mole 272 ~ 283 MSDS TDS
KONION BA-490 2 Liquid 6 mole 218 ~ 238 MSDS TDS
KONION BA-660 2 Liquid 10 mole 165 ~ 175 MSDS TDS
KONION BA-1100 2 Liquid 20 mole 99 ~ 104 MSDS TDS
KONION BA-1550 2 Liquid 30 mole 70 ~ 75 MSDS TDS

KONION BAP-Series (Proxylated Bisphenol-A)

Chemical Name

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Product Name Functional Group Appear. (at 20℃) PO Unit Hydroxyl Value (mgKOH g) MSDS TDS
KONION BAP-355 2 Liquid 2 mole 307 ~ 325 MSDS TDS
KONION BAP-400 2 Liquid 3 mole 273 ~ 287 MSDS TDS
KONION BAP-810 2 Liquid 10 mole 135 ~ 150 MSDS TDS

KONION PH-Series (Phenol, Ethoxylated )

Chemical Name

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Product Name Functional Group Appear. (at 20℃) EO Unit Hydroxyl Value (mgKOH g) MSDS TDS
KONION PH-100 1 Liquid 1 mole 378 ~ 412 MSDS TDS
KONION PH-400 1 Liquid 4 mole 204 ~ 212 MSDS TDS


< KONION SK-Series (High Purity Polyoxyethylene Glycol) >
* 高纯度PEGs(Poly Ethylene Glycols)
* 作为聚氨酯树脂改性剂具有稳定的反应性
* 增加透湿防水布的触感,增加亲水性
* 增加热塑性PU树脂的吸收性
* 可用作电子材料用Wet Chemical水系清洗剂的Base oil。

< KONION RT-Series (High Purity Polyoxy(ethylene-propylene) Copolymer) >
* 透湿防水布用聚氨酯树脂改性剂
* 可控制EO/PO比及分子量,涂层时可改善透湿防水布的性能和触感

< KONION TR, FC-Series (High Purity Glycerol Ethoxylated propoxylated) >
* 聚氨酯树脂用改性剂
* 纤维用PU拒水涂层用树脂改性剂
* 调节EO/PO比及分子量可改善拒水性能及触感

< KONION BAP-Series (Proxylated Bisphenol-A) >
* 用作聚酯、聚氨酯及环氧树脂等树脂的改性剂
* 双酚A的EO和PO衍生物经常用于提高树脂的耐热性和强度
- 油漆、涂层用树脂、调色剂用粘合剂
- 高折射率UV涂层用树脂原料等

< KONION PH-Series (Phenol, Ethoxylated ) >
* UV涂层用树脂原料
* 苯酚相比毒性和气味低
* 染料溶剂、分散剂、树脂分散溶剂